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Sound Healing Sessions at the
Inner Wolf Retreat Space

Finding Support for Life in Nature and Sound

gong sound healing

Arriving in Wolf Laurel at the Inner Wolf Retreat Space, you have found a peaceful, welcoming land when time slows down from life's usual whirring, where you feel worlds away from worries yet only 35 minutes north of Asheville, NC or 40 minutes south of Johnson City, TN.  Even the easy & beautiful drive from either is part of the experience and allows for time to decompress and show up present for yourself.

Our creek (photo credit Marie-Ange

This space is for you. This space is for you to get back to center, to find ease, to remember who you are, to move gracefully into your inner purpose and highest expression. 

New days and times are being added to the Sound Healing session calendar! Beginning in November, we are excited to offer 11am, 2pm, and 6pm sessions on Saturdays, Sundays at 11am and 2pm, and Wednesday evening sound healing at 6pm.

April - October we begin our sessions together with forest bathing to connect with the senses and then have the sound healing. 

When can I come experience this?!

May 2024
6:00 PM
Blueprint for Freedom with Janet Bicknell
+1 more
6:00 PM
Sound Healing Sessions at the Inner Wolf
+1 more
2:00 PM
Yoga Nidra Gong Bath Nervous System Refresh
+1 more
+2 more
11:00 AM
Sunday Rejuvenation: A Sound Healing Experience
+1 more
6:00 PM
Blueprint for Freedom with Janet Bicknell
+1 more
6:00 PM
Sound Healing Sessions at the Inner Wolf
+1 more
9:00 AM
Spring Clean Up Day & *Free* Sound Healing
+1 more
+2 more
6:00 PM
Blueprint for Freedom with Janet Bicknell
+1 more
6:00 PM
Sound Healing Sessions at the Inner Wolf
+1 more
Day (1/3)
All about Sound --learn how to play the instruments! Sound Healing Weekend Retreat
+1 more
Day (2/3)
All about Sound --learn how to play the instruments! Sound Healing Weekend Retreat
+1 more
Day (3/3)
All about Sound --learn how to play the instruments! Sound Healing Weekend Retreat
+1 more
+2 more
6:00 PM
Blueprint for Freedom with Janet Bicknell
+1 more
8:00 PM
Sound and Light
+1 more
Day (1/4)
Private Retreat
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Day (2/4)
Private Retreat
+1 more
Day (3/4)
Private Retreat
+1 more
Day (4/4)
Private Retreat
+1 more
6:00 PM
Blueprint for Freedom with Janet Bicknell
+1 more
Day (1/3)
Firefly Retreat -- Be a Light in the Dark Sound Healing Weekend Retreat
+1 more
Day (2/3)
Firefly Retreat -- Be a Light in the Dark Sound Healing Weekend Retreat
+1 more
Sound Healing Events
Gongs Abound

Weekly Events

More detailed information about specific presenters or special workshops will be added to this page and to the event pages as we go along. Please contact for any questions or collaborations as well.

deep relaxation from sound healing
sound healing

All of existence vibrates. Come vibrate with us!

Join us weekly for time in nature and vibrational sound healing with sound healing practitioners David Heiss and Dawn Sagonias who will play the gongs, crystal singing bowls, and the harmonium. In these 2 hour transformational events, you will be invited to reset and ground through the vibrational frequencies of sound healing.

peaceful retreat

You are invited to Inner Wolf Retreat Space for Saturdays that help you get back to center through time in nature & relaxing sound healing, all in a serene location in Wolf Laurel, just 35 minutes outside of Asheville, NC.

Arrive ahead of the session to have time to settle in and have a cup of tea and intention setting for the session. The sound session is 45-60 minutes with time afterwards to integrate and share.

Sound healing works wonders experiencing it just once, & weekly helps retrain the brain to a less stressful life. Take time for yourself and your nervous system; we need that more than ever now. The effects of sound healing are lasting and those who come weekly report that they feel more at ease, less stressed, and less anxious for the majority of the week, and over time, creates new neural pathways in the brain for a more peaceful life!

A chart detailing brainwave states and measurements in Hz

Sound Healing

Gathering of people outside the Inner Wolf Retreat Space barn

What to Expect

We’ll start by preparing our minds and bodies with forest bathing (in the warmer months) to connect to our senses. This will be time walking slowly in meditation on the grounds of Inner Wolf Retreat Space, which is overall flat.  Then we ascend to the second floor of the renovated barn to lay down and relax into a meditative state with the sounds of the gongs. You will be invited to surrender to the sounds and the vibrations, allowing them to permeate every cell of your being. Take this as an opportunity to give your ego a respite, heal at a deep level, and discover new aspects of yourself.  Let us know if you have a topic or offering you would like to collaborate with us!

People laying down relaxed while attending a sound bath at Inner Wolf Retreat Space

What to Bring

We suggest that you bring cushions or pillows for under your head and knees, a blanket, an eye cover, and water bottle as well as anything else that you feel will enhance your journey. We have some pillows and blankets available and we have memory foam pads on the floor.


The sound healing session will take place at Inner Wolf Retreat Space in Wolf Laurel a picturesque and serene location just north of Asheville, NC.

People seated and meditating outdoors

More About Sound Healing

When the gong sings, your body, mind, and soul listen and feel with every cell of your being. Sound Healing helps us feel more at ease with our lives, find relief from anxiety, and train the brain to allow us to relax and just Be.  Participants experience emotional relief, calm, and the gift of resetting and recentering to have more clarity about life.

An image of the biofield torus that surrounds our bodies

The mysterious and powerful sounds are both deeply relaxing and healing, creating a unique experience for each person.  Sound Healing relaxes the mind so the body can activate the parasympathetic nervous system to rest, digest, and heal.  Every sound healing session is unique and profoundly personal, meeting you where you are in your own spiritual and healing journey. As such, it is best approached with an open mind and receptive state. Thoughts and feelings may surface, you may perceive colors and visions, the subconscious can become conscious, the mysterious can become illuminated, insights can arise.

Dawn singing and playing the harmonium

The harmonium, another instrument of the workshop, is an aid for the voice and leads us in opening our hearts and voices to greater connection with ourselves and with higher spirit. Dawn will share some lullaby-like, heart-opening chants to pair with the harmonium as part of our evening together in expanding joy. Feel free to chant along! The most powerful sound healing instrument is the sound of your own voice.

A monarch butterfly on the Inner Wolf Retreat Space grounds

Please be aware that sound healing with the gong is quite powerful. Always operate within your own sense of tolerance. We are not medical professionals. Our gong sessions and recommendations are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor is the information presented here intended to replace consultation with a qualified physician or other healthcare providers. This being said, many people fall asleep with the sound of the gong. The gong provides the sound of consistent stability that allows the mind and body to find peace.

Dawn and David at the Inner Wolf Retreat Space

About David and Dawn

David Heiss and Dawn Sagonias are musicians and sound healers who are passionate about sharing the transformative power of music as a healing modality. They incorporate their extensive experience in music therapy, biofeedback, massage therapy, yoga, and sound healing into their healing sessions and have performed all over the country and world.

You can find out more about Dawn’s work here and David’s work here .

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